Next Match Getting There

Britannia Stadium
Stoke City play at the Britannia Stadium which is easily accessible by car from the M6.
By Train
The nearest railway station is Stoke-on-Trent. Supporters arriving by train should take a two minute walk to Glebe Street where buses run to the stadium at regular intervals.
To get to Glebe Street, you should turn right out the station and take a next right to go under the bridge. Follow the road to the end and turn left down a bank into Glebe Street. Buses depart on the left hand side by the church. -
By Car
From the North/South/West
Leaver the M6 at junction 15. Take the A500 to Stoke-on-Trent then the A50 to Derby/Uttoxeter (the Britannia Stadium is signposted and visible one the skyline to the right). Once on the A50 take the first turn off and head up the bank towards the traffic lights. Turn right at the lights and head over the fly-over towards the stadium.
From the East
Take the A50 all the way to Stoke-on-Trent. Take the last turn off on the A50 and the stadium is on your left hand side.Post code for Sat Nav users: ST4 4EG